Monday, June 9, 2008

MTIV "What If"

On page 89 of the MTIV book I found a quote and a reaction to the quote, "Nothing really matters...". His reaction was that this quote was completely wrong, which i agree with. Everything does matter especially with design. So I then decided to make a mosaic photo to show how each little part makes up the bigger picture. So far I am not even close to being done and the only "what if" I have is what if I chose something easier. This has turned out to be almost impossible. I have been taking photos that I think will work for a certain part but they totally don't end up working. I'm going to spend all day putting together what I have and hopefully it will turn out the way I want it to. We'll just have to see.

1 comment:

Tim Borek said...

How the hell is this done? I assume you have to have all the individual photos on your computer somewhere.

Great work.