Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Out of all the projects we have done so far in this class, this one had the most possibilities. Almost every form of art or media has a story behind it. So I started thinking of what displays a message or tells a story the most. The first thing that popped into my head was, "a picture is worth 1000 words". At first I though I would just take a picture that had a lot of meaning behind it. So I started looking at photographs that have been meaningful to me to come up with some ideas. Then I came across this picture of two homeless teenagers holding a gun. They explain the reason to them having a gun as to defend themselves if the need came. This just kind of seems ironic to me. Why would two young teenagers need a gun to defend themselves? If anything I would think that it would get them into more trouble. Basically they are making themselves a target for violence or even death. So I took all the meaning in this photograph and tried to display it in a drawing. I started by painting a target for the background. Then I placed the kid with a gun in the center of it. This symbolizes the results of his actions. If he is going to be carrying around a gun on the street then all he is doing is making himself a target for someone else with a gun. To me I see this as a root of violence on the streets. If someone sees another person with a gun the first thing to pop in their head is that that person could be a threat to them and some self defense may be necessary. So if a problem arose that could have been solved by words may now turn into a violent fight.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

No Class

When I first heard that there was no class on Wednesday, it was the best thing I had heard all week. The day before I received a couple phone calls from all my high school buddies who mostly live in Bloomington. They were all coming back into town and were wanting to get the old group back together. I told them unfortunately I had class and would not be able to join them. The worst part about it was that they would be gone the next day so this was our only chance to get back together.
Then I was able to do anything with my day, so I decided to join them. We all decided to do one of our most common past times.... Disk Golf. Most of our time in high school together was spent playing disk golf so it was perfect for this assignment. We all had a great time and decided that we need to do it again sometime soon.
Now that we are all 21 we then decided to go out to the bars together for the first time. We got some great food and watched some good live music. I can't remember too much of the rest of the night but I think we fit some Wii in there somewhere too. All I have to say is thank you for cancelling class because I had a great night with that TIME.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Time Blog

 For this project I decided to show two different experiences in two different countries, but at the same time. My girlfriend is currently in Switzerland visiting her aunt and uncle. So I decided to take a picture at the exact same time she takes a picture in Switzerland to show the six hour difference in TIME. Even though we are in the same moment while taking each picture, we aren't experiencing the same time of day. When I took my 11:00 A.M. picture she was busy taking her 5:00 P.M. picture, but to us we were in the same moment. In  some way we connected, almost like we were together doing the same thing, but really we are an ocean apart and experiencing a six hour difference. This project helped me realize that everyone in the world is experiencing something at the same time I am. They could be a day in time ahead of me or hours behind. Now I can understand how time is used to just give us structure, but in all actuality we are living the same moment.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Time Video

The video we viewed in class was very interesting. It really showed me how relative time really is. In the piece "Morning After the Deluge" I really saw this relative time. To you the sun is setting and may even be visible at some point in the sunset, but to another person experiencing a different time or even date the sun is still in view. What is night to some is day to others and what is  May 17th to some its May 18th to others. So its really all in what is around you and what you yourself are experiencing at that time.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Egg Blog

The Egg Blog assignment was given to me last Wednesday and honestly for the next few days it didn't even cross my mind. My Grandmother had pneumonia and was in the hospital last week. I spent most of my time trying to visit her and my family. Then came Friday, the day she passed away. After that I devoted my time to comforting my family, especially my Mom who was mourning the death of my Grandmother. As the weekend came I started to worry about what I should do for this project. After many ideas I finally came up with the perfect one. I wanted to symbolize the eggs life with my Grandmother's death. I decided to bury the egg in remembrance of my grandmother so that she will be born into a new life in heaven. Now that I am finished with the project I feel a sense of closer with the death of my Grandmother and can now look back at this project to remember her and all the things she has given me.