Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Out of all the projects we have done so far in this class, this one had the most possibilities. Almost every form of art or media has a story behind it. So I started thinking of what displays a message or tells a story the most. The first thing that popped into my head was, "a picture is worth 1000 words". At first I though I would just take a picture that had a lot of meaning behind it. So I started looking at photographs that have been meaningful to me to come up with some ideas. Then I came across this picture of two homeless teenagers holding a gun. They explain the reason to them having a gun as to defend themselves if the need came. This just kind of seems ironic to me. Why would two young teenagers need a gun to defend themselves? If anything I would think that it would get them into more trouble. Basically they are making themselves a target for violence or even death. So I took all the meaning in this photograph and tried to display it in a drawing. I started by painting a target for the background. Then I placed the kid with a gun in the center of it. This symbolizes the results of his actions. If he is going to be carrying around a gun on the street then all he is doing is making himself a target for someone else with a gun. To me I see this as a root of violence on the streets. If someone sees another person with a gun the first thing to pop in their head is that that person could be a threat to them and some self defense may be necessary. So if a problem arose that could have been solved by words may now turn into a violent fight.

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